September 14, 2008

Open Session, Sunday

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 5:26 pm

What a gorgeous Fall day!  We just returned from almost three weeks in Hawaii– medical planning, packing and care-giving for my husband’s parents.  Yes, the islands are beautiful and you can’t beat the ocean there for swimming, but it’s good to be home.  Any comments, ideas or suggestions?

August 31, 2008

So Long, Summer

Filed under: Open Session — Dan Gookin @ 10:15 am

Summer Sunset
It’s the last official weekend of summer.

August 13, 2008

Hump Day Open Session

Filed under: Open Session — Dan Gookin @ 12:20 pm

According to the Wall Street Journal, a gas war is going on in Texas. The lines are long, but three stations are going at it, with the price regular gas hitting — are you ready? — $2.31 a gallon. Welcome to Wednesday’s Open Session!

August 5, 2008

Open Session, Tuesday

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 10:16 am

City  budget workshop and council meeting tonight (see Bill’s post below) and another beautiful CdA summer day in the making.

The subject of the appraisal on the DeArmond Mill came up today.  I recall NIC Trustee Judy Meyer saying at the NIC information forum way last May, I think it was, that the appraisal on the mill site would be completed very soon. We are now into August, and the appraisal has not surfaced. What’s the hang up? Is it not coming in at the price they want/need to justify the expenditure?

Any other comments, ideas, suggestions?

August 3, 2008

Open Session, Sunday

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 7:54 am

Spokane has a promotional slogan that says:” Near nature, Near perfect”.  But I’ve heard people over here change that up a bit to read: “Near nature, Near perfect, Near Coeur d’Alene”!  Today is certainly is looking like one of those near perfect Coeur d’Alene days.

Any comments, questions, ideas?

July 31, 2008

Open Session, Thursday

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 8:03 am

Seems quiet around here this week.  Summer is threatening to slip away early, so maybe everyone’s grabbing  moments while they can.  Good idea.

Any ideas, comments or questions as we sit on our porch rockers?

July 28, 2008

Open Session, Monday

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 11:13 am

Sailing into another week.  An interesting article on the front page of the Press reports there’s no sign of a downturn in the economy of downtown  CdA.  That’s surprising!  My real estate friends have certainly felt a change and many other small businesses in town say they have also.  What do you hear?

Any other comments, ideas, suggestions?

July 20, 2008

Open Session, Sunday

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 4:04 pm

A great weekend in CdA.  Lots of activities and a busy week coming up.  The final CdA School District community meeting is this Tuesday, July 22nd at 7:00 in the morning at the district’s Midtown Center. They have done such a great job with the first 3 meetings, I hope they continue to get a good turnout for this one.  It’s open format, open questions.  Bring ’em on.  Hazel is there to answer any and all.  What a role model.

Any comments, questions, ideas?

July 11, 2008

Slurpee Day Open Session

Filed under: Open Session — Dan Gookin @ 10:40 am

Put ’em here when they don’t go elsewhere.

July 6, 2008

Open Session, Sunday

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 10:56 am

As we wrap up a great 4th of July weekend and start thinking about the busy week ahead, please remember the Midtown meeting tomorrow at 5:30pm in the Community Room of the new Library.

On Thursday, July 10th at 5:30pm in the same room of the Library will be the big presentation on the Ed. Corridor by the experts. They’ll reveal the Master Plan and talk about the Financial Impact study. And, unless there’s a change, the public can only “submit” questions in writing…arg! Any comments? Other ideas?

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