November 21, 2011

Open Session, Quiet Days

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 9:44 am

After the election and before Thanksgiving…quiet on the surface but important issues are still swirling behind the scenes.  What’s your news, question or comment?

This photo is of the 1969 marble marker at the border of McEuen Field and Tubb’s Hill.  The inscription says:

“This land acquired for the benefit of the people forever”

November 15, 2011

Open Session, Tuesday

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 10:01 am

Nov 26, 2010

Remember the snow we had a year ago? I’m not ready for that again yet.

With all the election hubub, maybe we need an Open Session to air out the remaining bits and pieces.  Or unnoticed issues.  Or new questions & observations.

What’s on your mind?

September 15, 2011

Open Session, Thursday

Filed under: General,Open Session — mary @ 8:24 am

Are the hot days of summer behind us? Well, as we spend more time inside, local issues are certainly starting to spark. What do you think of the highway district LID review by the County Commissioners? How about the Press editorial this week slamming the Reagan Republicans for getting involved in local “non-partisan” elections? And then there’s the national scene, with two special elections favoring Republicans…were they just a result of candidate  idiosyncrasies or were they a strong  message to the White House?

Your thoughts on these or other issues…


September 7, 2011

Open Session, Thursday

Filed under: General,Open Session — mary @ 8:42 pm

Summer is waning, the upcoming fall elections are waxing. Which issues and/or candidates are going to or should be in the spotlight?

Did you see the CdA City Council meeting last night?…the one where they approved the big raises for ALL city employees?

Have you heard about the new candidates for city council that the city seems to have put up?  In favor of McEuen and the status quo?

What are your concerns, ideas or comments on this first Thursday of the new Fall season?

September 2, 2011

Open Session, Labor Day Weekend!

Filed under: General,Open Session — mary @ 7:43 am

What’s on your mind as you’re grabbing the last bits of summer this weekend?

–Thinking about the upcoming CdA City Council election?
–Or about pay raises for public employees in a tight economy with 12% unemployment locally?
–Or maybe just waiting to slip into a good book and a beach chair or a boat with a fishing pole…
Thoughts? Comments? Ideas?

June 29, 2011

Open Session, Almost the 4th of July!

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 9:55 am

Did you know that groups cannot pass out American flags (or anything else) at Coeur d’Alene’s 4th of July parade this year?  The organizer of the parade from the Chamber of Commerce sent the Regan Republicans an email stating such.

Your thoughts on this or anything else?

June 25, 2011

Open Session: Ironman Weekend

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 8:53 am

Our town is full and the sun is shining…the start of another Ironman weekend!  (The lake water is only 55.8 degrees…brrr!)   Did you see in the Press that Tubb’s Hill is listed as a nationally recognized hiking spot?  Will you watch any parts of Ironman?  What’s on your mind this weekend?

June 18, 2011

Open Session, Weekend

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 12:14 pm

Happy Father’s Day!  With Car d’Alene downtown today, the Brewfest at the Fairgrounds from 3-7 and unsettled weather keeping folks away from camp grounds, lake cabins and boats, it’s a busy weekend around here.  Any local issues on your mind?

June 13, 2011

Open Session, Brewing

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 9:28 am

As a number of serious local issues are brewing in the background, don’t forget that CdA’s First Annual Beer Fest will be at the Fairgrounds this weekend, right after Car d’Alene this coming Saturday.

What’s on your mind as we start out a new week?

June 8, 2011

Open Session: Wednesday

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 9:02 am

Did you tune into the city council meeting on channel 19 last evening?  Citizen Frank Orzell politely and respectfully spoke to the council, suggesting 5 ways they could improve their relations with the public over the McEuen park issue.  Frank also told them that it is uncomfortable for people to stand up and speak to the council only to see all seven heads bent over and writing without making eye contact with the speakers.

It was quiet Al Hassel who commented back, with a bit of defiance I thought, that he’s taking notes and will continue to take notes!

My question is this:  Why do they all have to write fast and furiously when the meetings are video taped, audio taped separately, with written notes taken  by  two of their staff members?  I can understand a few notes here or there, but giving attention and respect to the speaker must be top priority.

Your thoughts on this or any other topic?

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