December 29, 2009

Open Session: Last days of ’09

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 6:00 pm
Times Square Ball

Times Square Ball

Here’s your last chance to get in some comments, questions or ideas for 2009— the New Year is quickly upon us!  Here’s one question:  What do you think was the biggest local story of 2009?  Nominations?

December 14, 2009

Open Session, Stupidity

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 5:41 pm

180px-Iceberg_with_hole_editThere are some absurd things going on in our world right now.  I sometimes think I’ll wake up and find it is all a bad dream.  But here’s the latest from the Global Warming Summit in Copenhagen.  Al Gore told the world conference that “the latest research showed that the Arctic could be completely ice-free in five years”

In his speech, Mr Gore told the conference: “These figures are fresh. Some of the models suggest to Dr. Maslowski that there is a 75 per cent chance that the entire north polar ice cap, during the summer months, could be completely ice-free within five to seven years.”

The only problem is, Dr. Maslowski says he doesn’t know where Gore got that information!  Gore’s office ” later admitted that the 75 per cent figure was one used by Dr Maslowksi as a “ballpark figure” several years ago in a conversation with Mr Gore.

This info is from a Times Online article (of course only England would report this, not our US media!)

December 11, 2009

Open Session, Friday

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 9:12 am

250px-Sarah_Palin_portraitSarah Palin took North Idaho by storm yesterday!  She signed books for 1200 who stood in line for up to 13 hours, here in CdA, and another 700 people up in Sandpoint.  All in one day!  Any comments on Gov. Palin’s visit or any other news?

December 7, 2009

Open Session, Monday

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 9:29 am

180px-Lego_Mindstorms_NXT_Robot The First Lego League robotics tournament was at Post Falls High School on Saturday, and it was the LARGEST IN THE WORLD!  There were 67 teams competing, so, with all the kids, coaches, parents and volunteers, there were probably 2000 people there.  I was a volunteer and was amazed and impressed with the skill, motivation, enthusiasm and teamwork of the kids, who were 4th — 8th graders.  This morning’s CdA Press referred to the tournament as “sports for nerds”, but these kids were anything but nerdy—they were outgoing, fun, cool kids, who are also very smart.  Good on them!

Any other news or ideas on your mind?

November 24, 2009

Thanksgiving Open Session

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 8:15 pm

IMGP4963We have so much to be thankful for, let’s try to list some.  I’ll start, you add.  We can focus on the local issues that are positive.  Here are my top three:

1.  The North Idaho Tea Party Patriots ( are standing up for citizens!  The next rally is December 16th at the State Line event center.  Details to come.

2.  The Post Falls Urban Renewal Agency gave back $2.2 MILLION dollars in property tax increment to their City, Kootenai County and other taxing entities.

3. This month’s  local elections in CdA showed that a large percentage of people are waking up to the problems created by our local government. There was only a FIVE vote margin in favor of the incumbent in one of the races (with over 6,000 votes cast), and a margin of only 29 votes for another incumbent.  The final council race was decided by just over 300 votes, which in most years would be considered VERY close.  People are concerned!  The city council and mayor better be careful; they are treading a very thin line with the voters.

Do you have other items to add to the list?

November 17, 2009

Open Session, Tuesday

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 11:47 am

IMGP4924 Good thing we don’t live in Iran!   The Associated Press reports that “Iran has sentenced five people to death over the unrest that followed the country’s disputed June presidential election, state television reported Tuesday. At least three others caught up in the turmoil have received death sentences previously.  Iran began a mass trial in August of prominent opposition figures and activists…”

Any comments, suggestions, ideas or questions on any topic of the day?

November 10, 2009

Open Session: Quiet After the Storm?

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 12:19 pm

IMGP4040 The local elections are over, sort of.  There’s interesting news about possible mandatory tests for advanced classes at the high schools and the city may require more background checks for childcare workers at health clubs.  Do you have any observations about these or other topics of the day?

October 20, 2009

Open Session, Tuesday

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 7:23 am

coolclips_busi01651What a busy week ahead, as local elections near.  Any thoughts to share?

Remember you can VOTE RIGHT NOW at City Hall or at the Elections Dept. on 3rd Street. (the old BLM bldg)  That address is 1808 N. 3rd St.

September 28, 2009

Open Session, Monday

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 3:07 pm


We have relatives visiting from Hawaii.  They are fascinated with the Fall colors, watching the squirrels and picking fresh apples. Do you think we take things for granted?

On another note, Candidate forums have been taking place—any feedback, comments or ideas?

September 22, 2009

Open Session, Tuesday

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 9:15 am


Our lovely summer weather is still hanging on.  Any thoughts on the announcement by Wendy Gabriel, CdA City Admin, that the city will sign an agreement to adopt the design for the Ed Corridor that includes and changes Independence Point?  How about thoughts on the upcoming local elections, the candidates,  jail bond, etc. or other issues?

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