March 16, 2008

Loyal Knights of the LCDC

Filed under: Cartoons,Jimmy Barona Cartoons — Jimmy Barona @ 10:14 am


March 15, 2008

Sunshine Week – March 16-22, 2008

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 9:29 am


March 14, 2008

Open Session, Friday

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 5:10 pm

Questions?  Comments? News?

Just Trust Us

Filed under: General — mary @ 2:25 pm

The City’s Pulse Newsletter

By Mary Souza, March 13, 2008

images.jpg This week’s newspapers announced the city’s plan to hike our water rates. I was shocked. We all want to trust our government. But in the past month we’ve seen tax money used to pay public relations firms and lobbyists for the Urban Renewal Agency while regular folks are threatened with a lien on their homes if the sidewalk in the city’s right of way is not promptly repaired. And now our water rates will climb in an effort to make us use less, even though this looks to be a banner year for water levels. These are not great ways to make friends and influence people. These are not signs of responsive government. (more…)

HB616 Fails, 37-33

Filed under: General — Dan Gookin @ 10:16 am

The anti-shoestring bill has failed.

Interesting Website

Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 9:44 am


Here’s an interesting website:  Idahoans for Open Government (IDOG)

CdA Chamber Opposes URD Legislation

Filed under: Observations — Dan Gookin @ 8:01 am

Funny, but I thought that a “Chamber of Commerce” was about promoting business.

March 13, 2008

Stakeholder Sign-Up

Filed under: General,Observations — Dan Gookin @ 1:47 pm

Everyone in Coeur d’Alene knows that to be really heard by City Hall you must strive to become a stakeholder. Once you’re a stakeholder, you’re in! You’re accepted. Heck, you may even get some free money from the LCDC.


Filed under: Probable Cause — Bill @ 11:48 am


Pffft!  That’s the sound a lame excuse makes when it’s going up in smoke. 

The lame excuse that went away was the “willful ignorance defense” to violations of the Idaho Open Meeting Law.  A companion excuse that simultaneously went away is the prosecutor’s declination to prosecute because the public official/violator claims s/he didn’t know the law.


Open Session, Thursday–Questions? Comments?

Filed under: Open Session — mary @ 10:52 am

In our first Open Session two days ago, Mama Bear posed this question about the school district’s plan to build a new Lakes Middle School. She was asking about:

“…the “remodel” bid that was referred to when people did not want to lose Person’s Field. The public should have access to the plans and specifications upon which competitive bids were based. I stress the words, “competitive bid” as any real bid should have gone out to the competitive bid process. There should at least be a written description from the school as to their desired product. Hopefully, someone who has good or neutral relationships with CdA school will investigate. “

Anyone else concerned about this issue? Please jump in with this or any other topic.

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